Can you fucking believe that in the last fucking Nostalgiaween intro that Jontron murdered like fuck the Nostalgia fucking Critic? I can't fucking believe it. That motherfucker needs to fucking fuck himself the fuck up like he fucked up the Nostalgia fucking Critic! Fuck him, he fucked up the only fucking intro that was fucking pleasing to my fucking eyes! Fuck this motherfucking piece of fucking shit! Excuse my fucking language, but holy fuck does that intro make me feel like I'm in a fucking coma. I mean, fucking Jontron comes up to NC's fucking house and opens the fucking door. Then he fucks through the place and finds the fucker NC. NC says "What the fuck are you fucking doing in here, fucker?" and gets fucking stabbed by fucking Jontron. Then the fucking intro goes on after NC says "Why the fuck are you staring at your fucking hand while fucking stabbing me, son of a fucking fucker?" then NC fucking dies, and Jontron comes the fuck up and says "That was for fucking FoodFuck." He fucking finally gets fucking shot by an unknown fucking entity called the skeleton fucker, and the Nostalgiafuckween pic comes up to fucking scare us like fuck!
Fucking mother fucking fucker fuck shit ass bitch mother fucker piss damning fuck crap dick pussy!!!!!